Opening of Purpose Built Swing for Adults with Disabilities
The residents at one of our supported living properties in Marshall, Geelong, opened their home today to visitors for the official opening of an adult sized swing to be used and enjoyed in their own back yard.
The opening was attended by Jodie Silverback, Gateways Support Services, Naomi Board, Housing Choices Australia and Peter Murrihy, Acting Mayor City of Greater Geelong, who came together with staff and residents to cut the red ribbon and celebrate the completion of the swing and soft fall area, which has taken 3 years from planning to installation.
The equipment was funded by the City of Greater Geelong, Housing Choices Australia and Gateways Support Services, and a working bee of many hands ensured that it was installed and landscaped.
Housing Choices Australia provide tenancy and property management services at the Marshall property and Gateways Support Services provide on-site support to meet the complex needs of 7 residents who live with intellectual disabilities and/or autism.
Housing Choices’ Community Development Officer, Naomi Board opened the event today. In her address to the group she thanked the residents for inviting everyone into their home and the City of Greater Geelong for helping to improve the lives of local residents with disabilities. She said she “appreciated that the logistics of getting out in the community for people with intellectual disabilities and autism could sometimes be involved and that the swing was a fantastic way for residents to access recreational opportunities in a safe environment at home.”
Gateways’ Accommodation Team Leader, Jodie Silverback who managed the project, said Gateways support team felt that residents would receive health and well being benefits from recreational equipment in their own home that they could access whenever they wanted
“They can just walk out and use the swing independently at any time without having to go out into the community if they don’t want to and without the need for support from staff. Many of the young adults living in the house have Autism and the movement and rhythm of the swing has been a real benefit to their wellbeing and is popular even with those we didn’t think would use it”, she said.
Gateways’ Accommodation Support Services provides shared and individual living for adults with a disability in the Geelong, Barwon and South West regions. The service supports people to have a good life and a real home in their community and focusses on developing independent living skills, community access, day program access as well as facilitating and monitoring health and well being.