Safeguarding the quality of care of our participants
In light of the recent Four Corners program, “Careless: How the NDIS fails to protect our most vulnerable,” and the abhorrent treatment of the individuals featured in the program, Gateways Support Services would like to take this opportunity to reiterate our commitment to best practice and ensuring the people you entrust us to care for get the respect, recognition and access to high quality and safe services they deserve.
We have strict protocols and policies in place to uphold a zero tolerance approach to any form of abuse or neglect. We prioritise the safety and wellbeing of those you entrust to our care above all else.
Our team members undergo comprehensive training, including NDIS Practice Standards, Restrictive Practice, and Positive Behaviour Support, both during onboarding and through ongoing programs.
We have clear guidelines for the use of restrictive practices, always as a last resort and in the least restrictive manner possible. We are dedicated to applying a well-informed and proactive stance against overly restrictive measures, ensuring that our methods are both theoretically sound and practically effective whilst remaining person-centred.
Our firm commitment remains focused on fostering a culture of safety that places the utmost importance on the physical and psychological well-being of our participants. We uphold this commitment through rigorous internal reviews, comprehensive reporting, and the encouragement of transparency and accountability in the workplace, including the protection and support of whistleblowers.
Across our 28 residential homes we have 68 residents in our care, 15 of which have been with us for over 15 years. We believe this speaks volumes of the homes we create for our residents and the care we provide to them.
In the event of inappropriate conduct occurring on our watch, we can guarantee that it will be promptly addressed, and appropriate action will be taken.
Thank you once again for trusting us and being a part of our community.
If you have any feedback or concerns, you can:
Contact Rohan Braddy, Gateways CEO:
Complete our online feedback form
Contact the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission