Sam’s Delight at Completing Cadel Evans Great Ocean Road Race

Samandjessiesupportcoordinationbanner Jan2019

Sam Nolan joined thousands of participants and welcomed the sun rise as he tackled the 35 km Swisse People’s Ride as part of the Cadel Evans Great Ocean Road Race on Saturday. He completed the course together with support from Gateways Support Services’ worker, Jessie.

Jessie accepted Sam’s challenge to participate, honing her cycling skills and fitness to take part in the event.   The pair met at Sam’s home in Geelong at 6am on Saturday and rode to the starting line at Eastern Beach.  Marg Nolan reported that Sam returned home  “absolutely beaming” after completing the 35km course with incredible support from Jessie throughout the ride.

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Congratulations Sam and Jessie for taking on the event together.

The People’s Ride is open to cyclists of all abilities with short and longer course options.  Sam is keen to start training for the 65km course in 2020.